Partners investigate the current and expected labour market demand for workers in tourism and restaurant sector, paying special attention to identifying the kind of professional skill sets that employers are looking for and that are likely to be in demand in the future and match these with VET offers. So, especially considering the impact of the Covid crisis on the tourism sector and the difficulty of accessing WBL experiences for young people involved in VET.
The activities outlined in the project will be carried out by each partner in their respective countries.
Partners collaborate to implement teaching technologies that virtualize practical experience (such as simulators, VR and AR) to facilitate practical learning in the classroom environment, obviating the difficulties of carrying out alternating activities especially in the pandemic phase and identifying, updating and integrating user-based insights into designing and developing the Project’s digital materials.
It’ defined a toolkit in a preliminary version. It’s a flexible digital tool, able to represent contents through augmented and virtual reality Technologies In a second phase of this activity, partners define educational content according to the detected needs among tourism entrepreneurs (from 1st activity). These contents have to be transferred in the digital formats designed. The materials are validated and revised in collaboration with the entrepreneurs.
To make sure that simulators, virtual reality or virtual reality will be used effectively in the classroom, a training activity for VET trainers is carried out to improve their digital teaching skills. After the training of the trainers, a piloting of the didactic digital toolkit is carried out in 5 classes, involving at least 40 students.Based on the results of the toolkit piloting in the VET classes, the digital materials are adapted according to an approach that enhances the experiential aspects of use as userfriendly, very easily accessible even for users and teachers/trainers coming from other schools and regions.
Partners develop new curriculum, based on the results of previous activity, and formulate an innovative, state of the art didactic framework. The curricula is developed according to Bologna Process requirements & Tuning Methodology.
Partners translate the required skills/competences detected into learning outcomes of the VET programme and made sure that the learning outcomes are linked with EQF, thus ensuring that the curriculum includes quality principles that facilitate recognition and transferability across the European Union
Partners develop and adapt curricula for 2 qualification profiles (tourism and restaurant), according to the Bologna process. The curricula also contain the necessary standards – in terms of machinery, electronic devices or new digital technologies and the adaptation of physical spaces – to be able to effectively use the new teaching materials proposed.
A Trainer Guide for those leading the learning programmes it’s produced. The Guide ensures that those who are guiding candidates towards the certification are provided with appropriate resources, methods and guidance
All Consortium partners converge towards the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding to improve their exchange of information, communication and collaboration regarding the vocational education and training activities related to tourism vocation and educational training.
Partners disseminate the project and its results to guarantee their exploitation and sustainability, to maximise the spread of the project results to the target sector’s stakeholders, including policymakers, potential users and final users.
Partners edit a Dissemination and Exploitation Plan to be followed by the partnership during the whole lifetime of the project and beyond. This task foresees the elaboration of a shared plan for a decentralised, but coordinated, dissemination of all activities and outputs of the project.
Website, logo and promotional materials are realized for the dissemination of the Project Results to Stakeholders.
A final Public event is organized in Albania for the dissemination of project outcomes.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein
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