Name of Organization: CEFE Macedonia
Year Established: 2008
Location: Skopje, Macedonia
Type: Non-profit, Non-partisan Organization
Formation History: CEFE Macedonia traces its roots back to 1997 when trainers initially met and participated in CEFE Training of Trainers in Macedonia. The organization was officially established in 2008 in Skopje, Macedonia, with the primary goal of promoting an entrepreneurial mindset and spirit among citizens.
Mission: To increase business competences of economic actors in the society.
Vision: To foster a raised entrepreneurial culture and contribute to increased employment.
Global Affiliation: CEFE Macedonia is an integral part of the global CEFE Network, which spans across 100 countries. The organization has signed a Memorandum of Understanding and collaboration with CEFE International (, leveraging the global CEFE know-how on entrepreneurship. CEFE Macedonia maintains close collaboration with other CEFE centers in South America, the Maghreb region, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, the Balkans, and Central and South Africa.
Key Activities:
Collaborations: CEFE Macedonia actively collaborates with other CEFE centers in South America, the Maghreb region, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, the Balkans, and Central and South Africa.
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