Artes srl

Name of Company: Artes Srl

Year Established: 2008

Sector: Socio-Economic Research, Vocational Training, Consulting

Expertise: Artes Srl, established in 2008, has developed expertise in various areas over the years. The company excels in providing socio-economic research services for territorial development and vocational systems surveys. Key areas of operation include:

  • Analysis of the occupational system and vocational skills.
  • Training systems and vocational skills development.
  • Training and education systems.
  • Identifying vocational needs for the public and private sectors.

Strategic Focus: Artes is dedicated to defining strategies and lines of intervention in vocational education to support territorial development and the labor market. The company offers analysis and consulting services for the evaluation of vocational skills and the development of both territorial and labor markets. Additionally, Artes provides expertise in the organization and reorganization of vocational training systems at both central and peripheral levels.

Accreditation: Since 2009, Artes has been recognized as an accredited body for vocational training in the Region of Umbria.

Collaborations: Artes collaborates with Trade Unions and Business Associations at the national level, showcasing a commitment to engaging with various stakeholders. The company has undertaken significant research projects for Interprofessional Funds, Bilateral Agencies, and Public Research Institutes, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and policy development.

Online Presence:

Facebook Profile: Artes Srl Facebook Profile